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The Use of Lasers for Periodontal Debridement: Marketing Tool or Proven Therapy?
| (문헌고찰) | Nd:YAG 외 | Rachel Chanthaboury |
2005 |
Anti-infective therapy with an Er:YAG laser: influence on peri-implant healing
| (문헌고찰) | Anton Sculean |
2005 |
Er:YAG and Nd:YAG dual wavelengthoptimized periodontal therapy protocol
| (기사) | Nd:YAG | Harvey S . Shiffman, DDS |
2013 |
Safety Guidelines for the Laser Removal of Dental Calculus
| Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry |
2011 |
Clinical assessments of the erbium:YAG laser for soft tissue surgery and scaling
| Watanabe H |
1996 |
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