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Treatment of Dentin Hypersensitivity: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
| (문헌고찰) | Leye Benoist F |
2016 |
Laser Application in Dentistry: Irradiation Effects of Nd:YAG 1064 nm and Diode 810 nm and 980 nm in Infected Root Canals—A Literature Overview
| (문헌고찰) | Yves Saydjari |
2016 |
Lasers in Dentistry: A Review
| (문헌고찰) | Nd:YAG 외 | Chaya M David |
2015 |
Lasers In Periodontics review of the literature
| (문헌고찰) | Alex Smith |
2015 |
Laser-assisted treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity: a literature review
| (문헌고찰) | Nd:YAG 외 | Roberto Biagi, MD, DDS |
2015 |
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