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구강 연조직 병소의 Nd:YAG laser를 이용한 치료 : 임상증례보고
| (증례보고) | 김수관 |
2002 |
The Er:YAG laser in endodontics: results of an in vitro study.
| Schoop U |
2002 |
The Er:YAG Laser in Endodontics: Results of an In Vitro Study
| Ulrich Schoop, MD, DDS |
2002 |
Sulcular Debridement with Pulsed Nd:YAG.
| David M. Harris |
2002 |
Morphologic analysis, by means of scanning electron microscopy, of the effect of Er:YAG laser on root surfaces submitted to scaling and root planing
| Letícia He lena The odoro |
2002 |
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